Friday 22 January 2010

Golden Time

Golden time is a time at the end of the week at the end of Friday when we play games and bring in iPods and play games. There are lots of different games in school like K’nex, plasticene, using a laptop, drawing, painting, and board games. Golden time is really fun but you can lose it. You can lose golden time by being bad. There are 6 golden rules:
1. We are gentle.
2. We are kind and helpful.
3. We listen.
4. We are honest.
5. We work hard.
6. We look after property.

If we break one of those rules we lose 5 minutes of golden time. Sometimes on special days we have a whole day golden time. Those are days like last day of school or last day of term.

By Sov and Squidy


Pupils WorldWide said...

Hello Sov and Squidy
Your class-rules look like ours. Your golden hour is near ours "hour of the class" once a week.