Thursday 3 June 2010

Promenade theatre

Yesterday we did some drama in class. (:
We were learning about Promenade Theatre. Mr Devereux let us act one out in the hall and it was little red riding hood.
Promenade Theatre is when the audience take part and then become part of the play by taking part in the scenes up as they go along.
In our case we all became phones, chairs and doors and more. We also got to act out the characters like granny, Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf. It was really fun and we all like it.
We are now making up our own plays in groups. (We get a fairy tale story, jazz it up and act it out). There is Shrek, Alice in Wonderland and Humpty Dumpty with a twist).
By Rascal and Moonbeam


Pupils WorldWide said...

Hello Rascal and Moonbeam
It sounds to be very funny. Please remember to take some photos, or a little video perhaps?
I know you do all the work, and we are so greatful, Thank you so much. I really enjoy reading about you and your projects.
I could make small videos of our schoollife too? It's a bit difficult for me to get written material from them (Pupils). They think it's such a hard work.