Wednesday 24 February 2010


On Wednesdays we do a music class. We have done many things in music, such like learning to play the guitar and xylophone. Ms Trail is our music specialist. Ms Turbane also comes in on Thursday to teach children the violin. Captain Chaos, Izzy, Ponakins and Murrzo do the violin. Right now in music we are getting ready for the Easter assembly. Ms Trail asked us all if we played any instruments. The instruments we played were: violin, harmonica and the guitar. Ms Trail is going to write music for us to play.

The Guitar

For the guitar we learnt about the strings and the notes that can be played. We have learnt a tune and played in front of parents and the school. Pony knows how to play the guitar and so does Nonny.

The xylophone

In the school we have xylophones which we play. We have learnt many tunes on the instruments. All the classes can play the xylophone. Ms Trail has taught all about the notes and taught us the tunes we have learnt and played.

by Nevis


Pupils WorldWide said...

Hello Nevis

I am very impressed that so many can play music. You are great to explain all the details.

Nevis said...

Hi. Thankyou for the comment. I guess I am good at explaining all the details for stuff.
