An eTwinning project, linking Yester Primary School in Scotland, Stadil-Vedersø Skole in Denmark, and Ohkolan koulu from Finland.
...and Scotland
Time in Denmark
Time in Finland
Time in Scotland
Stadil-Vedersø Skole is a public primary school. It is located near the North Sea, 120 km east of Århus and 15 km north of Ringkøbing. We have 80 children (age 6-12) in the school. In the same buildings we have "Childrens house," an institution with 70 children. (age 3-10) Our website
Ohkolan koulu is situated in the town of Mäntsäla, which is around 70km north of Helsinki.
Our website
Yester Primary School is located in south east Scotland, around 25 miles east of the capital city, Edinburgh. There are around 150 children in the school. Our website
Here is the massively long paper chain the class made which ran down the main corridor, into the cafe, around the cafe and back down the corridor to the start again.
It took ages to make!!
Izzy =P
how long in hours did it take?
It took about 2 hours I think with a number of teams working on it.
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